This course is fast paced. Please do read the Prerequisite Computer Skills Required.

Please hover over one of the following 3 boxes

I have neither a domain name nor a website hosting account

You're truly starting from scratch. That's good. That's what this course is designed for.


Perfect, in class you will register domain name and set up a website hosting account. You’ll have your own website within the first evening, and by the last evening, you’ll have built enough of your site and have learned enough to continue to develop your site with confidence.

I have a domain name, but I don't have a hosting account for it yet.

You own something like, but that's as far as you've gotten.

That's okay.

You’ll need to point your domain name to the server you’re going to use for hosting your website. It’s important to do this before the first class otherwise you’ll have nothing to do during much of the first evening.

I have a domain name and a hosting account.

In other words, you already have a website. This course might work.

This course might work for you

You’re all set.  Just make sure you’re able to login to your WordPress Dashboard as an Administrator.  In this course, we’ll be using the theme Avada, so some of what we do will be Avada specific, but the rest will apply to you regardless of the theme you use.

  • Be prepared to do the following:
    1. Register a domain name.  (Free for 1 year.)
    2. Set up a hosting account. This is where all your files reside.  (Free for 3 months.)
    3. Be able to fetch email in class.
    4. Start building your website.
  • Be sure to have a clear idea what people would search for to find what you are selling.

[day of class]’s WordPress Course, “Build a Website in Four Evenings”


If you have a domain name or a website already, please let me know before [day of class].
If you do not have a domain name or website yet, that’s perfect.  That’s what this course is designed for.
Here’s what we do in the first class.
  • In depth discussion of some of the non-obvious issues about registering a domain name.
  • Keyword research
  • You will register a domain name in class.  (The domain name is free for the first year.  We use since it’s pre-configured to link to the hosting account we will set up. If you use another registrar, you may need to sit on the sidelines for the rest of the evening unless you can change the DNS settings and they kick in very quickly.)
  • You will set up a hosting account.  (We use  This is free for three months, after which you’re more than welcome to move to another host.  We use because it’s impossible for me to help students work with hosting companies that I’m not familiar with.)
  • You will install WordPress.
  • You will start building your site during the first evening.
Here’s a checklist for you:
  1. If you have any images you want to use, please do bring them on a USB drive.
It’s a fun class, and you’ll walk away not with the knowledge how to build a website, but rather, you’ll walk away with your very own website that you have built yourself.  It might not be 100% completed by the end of the last evening, but you’ll be well on your way, and you’ll have the skills to add more content on your own.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
See you in class!